* This site is best experienced while listening to Ida Cox's Mojo Hand Blues.
Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody. -1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
Course Description
Welcome to Foundations in Southern Rootwork, the course offered through Crossroads University. This course explores the basic concepts and practices of Southern Rootwork, Conjure and Hoodoo through assigned readings, multimedia presentations, the exploration of the Doctrine of Signatures, the magickal associations of herbs, roots and plants, engaging in swamping activities, spiritual cleansings and much more.
If you want to learn the ancient wisdom of the Ancestors, look no further. If you need guidance and solutions to the problems of daily living, you need look no further than your kitchen cabinet or backyard for answers. We will teach you to see the world through a different set of lenses, one that is simpler, more effective and one in which YOU are in control.
Southern Rootwork is a living tradition currently practiced and passed along by word of mouth, imitation, and observation over time and space within groups, such as family, ethnic, social class, regional, and others. It evolved out of a conglomeration of African Traditional Religions (ATRs) brought to American shores with the slave trade. The words Hoodoo and conjure are often used interchangeably with rootwork to denote various forms of African-based ethnobotanical, folk magic systems, medicinal healing and hexing through the use of herbs, roots, bones, and stones. Our course covers the gamut of how to create floor washes to wash away negativity and spiritual baths to bring luck and opportunity. We will teach you about conjure at the crossroads and how to set up a variety of altars and how to work them. We introduce you to little known secrets of conjure designed to improve your situation, whatever the situation, because Southern Rootwork is a solution-focused system of knowedge and way of life based on the ancient wisdom of our ancestors.
Welcome to Foundations in Southern Rootwork, the course offered through Crossroads University. This course explores the basic concepts and practices of Southern Rootwork, Conjure and Hoodoo through assigned readings, multimedia presentations, the exploration of the Doctrine of Signatures, the magickal associations of herbs, roots and plants, engaging in swamping activities, spiritual cleansings and much more.
If you want to learn the ancient wisdom of the Ancestors, look no further. If you need guidance and solutions to the problems of daily living, you need look no further than your kitchen cabinet or backyard for answers. We will teach you to see the world through a different set of lenses, one that is simpler, more effective and one in which YOU are in control.
Southern Rootwork is a living tradition currently practiced and passed along by word of mouth, imitation, and observation over time and space within groups, such as family, ethnic, social class, regional, and others. It evolved out of a conglomeration of African Traditional Religions (ATRs) brought to American shores with the slave trade. The words Hoodoo and conjure are often used interchangeably with rootwork to denote various forms of African-based ethnobotanical, folk magic systems, medicinal healing and hexing through the use of herbs, roots, bones, and stones. Our course covers the gamut of how to create floor washes to wash away negativity and spiritual baths to bring luck and opportunity. We will teach you about conjure at the crossroads and how to set up a variety of altars and how to work them. We introduce you to little known secrets of conjure designed to improve your situation, whatever the situation, because Southern Rootwork is a solution-focused system of knowedge and way of life based on the ancient wisdom of our ancestors.
An example of one of our presentations on prescribing and making aromatic medicinal baths.
Our site is mobile-friendly, which allows you to participate even with your phone! This is an important feature in the modern age when you may encounter a plant or situation in which you need to look up some information on the site or require immediate feedback from an instructor; you can take a photo and text your inquiry for quick and reliable feedback.
Some examples of other topics we cover in the course.